Friday, December 11, 2020

Lost in the Crowd


Highly Sensitive People and Introverts typically feel most alone when they are in a crowd. Why is that? For me, there are several reasons:

  • I feel a loss of identity
  • My senses are overwhelmed by the noise and chaos
  • While mostly unwarranted, I feel threatened

Like many other HSPs, I am not comfortable with the unknown. That is why I, as much as possible, adhere to a routine and plan my activities in familiar places with familiar people. I am always very cautious of my surroundings.

Most HSPs are acutely aware of attitudes, feelings and covert motivations of the people surrounding us. That is why crowds are so bothersome. Our sensory system becomes so over-stimulated that we find it difficult to mentally and emotionally function because we are unable to rationally process all that is going on around us. To put it simply, we need order. Crowds, by their very nature, are disorderly.

To make matters worse, we constantly feel like others are 'invading our space' by not maintaining at least a meter distance between us. This includes when we are conversing with each other.


It's not the people in the crowds we dislike. 
Rather, it's the noise, the chaos and the 'unfamiliar' 
that we dislike and attempt to avoid.


Through training, practice and focus, Highly Sensitive Introverts can control (but never eliminate) our natural trait of sensitivity. We can put on an agreeable 'face' of normality as determined by our extrovert-driven society. 

As the Holiday season approaches, we will face many opportunities to withdraw. We must fight against our natural tendency to seek solace in solitude ... especially with family.

Happy Holidays!

Lost in the Crowd

  Highly Sensitive People and Introverts typically feel most alone when they are in a crowd. Why is that? For me, there are several reasons:...